Obituary of The founding father of Bihar Dalit Vikas Samiti, Dr. Fr. Jose Kananaikil
…A Movement by the Dalits towards claiming freedom, equality, justice, and dignity…
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Staff Orientation Programme

BDVS conducted a Staff Orientation Program was conducted on 29th August 2016 in Kharakpur under Caritas project.

The Participants were Sr. Deepika Project co-ordinator, Harsh Kumar, Pawan Kumar and Savita Devi were the panchayat co-ordinator and Mr Nayak program co-ordinator.

The topics discussed were Project goal, objective, outcome, and strategies ; Reporting structure of the project; role and responsibility distribution and quality action plan.

Administrative Office: Rukunpura, Bailey Road, Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Ph: 91-0612-2590522

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