Obituary of The founding father of Bihar Dalit Vikas Samiti, Dr. Fr. Jose Kananaikil
…A Movement by the Dalits towards claiming freedom, equality, justice, and dignity…
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BDVS hosts Students from Milagres College, Udupi, Karnataka on their Educational Tour

A batch of seven second year MSW students of SPARSHA community development social work forum of Milagres College, Udupi, Karnataka and their program coordinator, are on a one week exposure visit to Patna. BDVS is the happy host for these students. The aim of the exposure program is to acquire first hand information about the good practices of social work by different NGOs and social work agencies in and around Patna. They also aim to develop collaboration and networking with various groups and exchange ideas and views with likeminded professionals and organizations as this would prepare them to extend professional social work services to the society at large. They hope that this visit would enable them to learn professional social work practices from a different cultural perspective, which in turn could be emulated in their own cultural milieu.

The main objectives of the education tour are: to know more about the different cultures and traditions, needs and problems of the people across the country; to get acquainted with the social work agencies and organizations across the country for exchange of ideas, views, and approaches in social work practices; to enhance awareness on future trends in social work practices across the country; to develop a holistic view of professional social work; and to develop and understand understanding of the problems and opportunities in working with diverse populations.

BDVS is coordinating the program under the guidance of Dr. (Fr.) Anto Joseph, the director of BDVS and Mr. Sanjeet, a staff of BDVS is assisting the group with their field exposures and visits to various organizations.

Administrative Office: Rukunpura, Bailey Road, Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Ph: 91-0612-2590522

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