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…A Movement by the Dalits towards claiming freedom, equality, justice, and dignity…
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Consultation Workshop on National Food Security Act

On 21st April, Bihar Dalit Vikas Samiti conducted a consultative workshop on implementation of National Food Security Act. 75 people including organizational heads, coordinators, animators, Cluster leaders, monitoring committee members, Social activists, PRI members, ex- Mukhia, PD Dealer from Koshi and Magadh units participated in this workshop.

Group Report

  • Jan pranali amount need to be increased
  • Too many document need to be produced for applying a ration card
  • Irregularity PDS shop doesn’t open regularly
  • Need to work together for improvement of PDS system
  • Extra money is asked to payin ration distribution.
  • Allotted amount of ration is not given
  • The dealer keep the ration cards
  • Cash memo is not given
  • Very poor quality grains are distributed
  • Irregularity in distributing the ration
  • Allotted quantity is not given
  • Ration shops are not opened regularly
  • Not having ration cards and too many formalities to apply for new ration cards
  • Extra money is asked to pay
  • Poor quality of grains
Fr. Anto Joseph S.J. State Coordinator of Lok Manch welcomed the participants on behalf of Bihar Lok Manch. Further he statedthe purpose of this workshop and highlights on the implementation of National Food Security Act in Bihar.

This workshop dealt with the challenges in implementation of NFSA, which needs to focus immediately,possible solutions for the identified problems andother suggestions related to NFSA.

A concept note on gaps in implementation of National food security act 2013 was presented by Mr. Ajit Julius.

Mr. Mahendra Roshan, secretary of Dalit Mukti Missiontook the session. Mr. Anindo Banerjee, Director of PRAXIS, Mr. Jitendrasocial activist, Fr. Jose S.JDirector JivanSangam Gaya, and other speakers also spoke on the issue.

Fr. Anand SJ Lok Manch north zone coordinator and Mr. Ajit Julius Lok Manch member concluded the programme with vote of thanks.

Administrative Office: Rukunpura, Bailey Road, Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Near Singh Petrol Pump, Patna 800 014 Ph: 91-0612-2590522

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